Monday, May 31, 2010

Note To Self: Bread-Making Edition

DSC_0432 I recently read this article from the “Gluten-Free Goddess” which has totally changed the way I make bread.  About 4 years ago my husband found me this bread machine for Christmas (it’s the exact one she’s talking about. Wasn’t that a thoughtful gift?).  I have spent all this time trying to find a way to make awesome bread in it.  The recipe in the manual is good, but it calls for something like a million ingredients.  I’m not into recipes that call for 17 flours, plus dry milk, egg replacer, blah blah blah.  I like things simple (which makes gluten-free baking especially challenging).  I am in love with Pamela’s Bread Mix.  It’s delicious.  The package says specifically not to use your gluten-free setting, but to use the “basic white” setting.  This has always given me a loaf with great flavor, but it’s super dense and about 3 inches tall.  This got old.  It was only really usable for toast (WAY good toast, though).  When I read the article from the Goddess, it was hard for me to figure out how she rigged hers up, but for me what worked was using the “Super Rapid” setting.  It works fabulous and only takes an hour and 20 minutes!  It makes the cutest, chubbiest, loaf of bread and it’s perfect for sandwiches or whatever else you want to make with it.  I also tried removing the paddle this time after the mix cycle and it was a total success. No more huge whole through the middle of the loaf.  Anyway, just thought I’d share my progress a) so I don’t forget how I did it and b) in case someone else is having a similar problem.  Have a good week!

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