Friday, February 20, 2009

Broadening our Horizons...

The Little Tiny and I are in need of some new lunch ideas. She is currently obsessed with peaches, wants nothing else. I am completely bored with sandwiches. In hopes of inspiring her to like more fruits again, I made us a delicious smoothie for lunch. It consisted of:
 1/2 c vanilla yogurt, 1/2 c orange juice, 1/2 c frozen mixed berries, 1/2 frozen banana, and 2T milled Flax
  It was great. I gave her some in her own cup and she was in heaven. Then, in a split second she had some how dumped it all down the front of her. My first thought was, why do I do things like that and create more work for myself? Well, because it makes her so happy, and that's what Oxy Clean is for. =) I spent the next half hour chasing her around trying to get her dressed again.

Does anyone have any lunch time ideas to share? Anything at all that doesn't involve putting something between two pieces of bread? Let me know...
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1 comment:

  1. You are such a babe!!! I have a YW who is in need of Gluten Free foods, I am so grateful you have this blog. Thank you for your comment, Chorister was my FAVORITE calling, I loved it! I am sure you are doing fabulous. Have a great day!
